当サイトをご訪問くださりありがとうございます。 当サイトで提供しているウルトラデントジャパン製品、サービス等の情報は、日本国内の歯科医師、歯科技工士および歯科衛生士等の歯科医療関係者の方を対象にしたもので、国外の歯科医療関係者の方や一般の方に対する情報提供のサイトではありませんのでご注意ください。 あなたは歯科医療関係者ですか?
This Backordered status indicates that the item is out of stock and our manufacturing team is currently working to replenish it.
You can still add these items to your order and they will be shipped at a later date separate from the rest of your order once it has been replenished.
The estimated ship date is subject to change at any time due to item availability. You will receive an order confirmation email and an email when the item is ready to ship. You have the option to cancel the item at any time while still in the backordered status by calling our customer service department at 888.230.1420.
The estimated ship date* is subject to change at anytime due to item availability. You will receive an order confirmation email and an email when the item is ready to ship. You will have the option to cancel the item at any time while still in the backordered status.